Hi! Jana hosts Top Ten Tuesday @https://www.thatartsyreadergirl.com/. Our love of lists inspires this weekly meme and brings the book blogging community together. Jana will post a list each week, and we readers will make our list based on that topic. We also have the option of doing our own thing if we don’t have any ideas for that week. This week, we have the topic of things getting in the way of reading right now which was done by A Cocoon of Books during a freebie week. This is an entertaining topic, and I’m excited to dive in. I’m going to be using right now, as the month of May so far in this case.

  1. Theater things

Luckily things are slowing down this week, but most of my month so far has been spent running music for a local production of Into the Woods Junior. I am having fun, and I love helping the kids, I just wish I had more time to read a book while there. Tech Week and Opening weekend are now done, so I have more time in the afternoons this week.

2-Content on Streaming Services

I am so behind on streamed shows and movies. I try and have them on and catch up while I read, but that’s hard with the shows I really love and I want to focus on them. I hope to reach a point in my media backlog where I can do both at the same time.

3-Twitch and Youtube Streams and content

I try to read while watching a Twitch Stream. I find that if the streamer is playing a game I want to watch, or the streamer is talking to me, I feel the need to respond. Much like with TV and movies, I want to be able to watch Twitch streams and Youtube content at the same time.

4- Family Obligations

Spring and summer seem to be the busiest times of the year for me. Once it slows down I hope to bring books to family events or read in the car. My family talks to me while I read, so that’s what prevents me from reading when we’re just hanging out.

5- Video and Mobile Games

I know this could have gone in the streams section, but I am loving playing video games right now. I am trying to read and play video games simultaneously, but I have a hard time putting the book down at the beginning of a round, and getting back into the story when I pick it back up while waiting for the next round. I have to crave out the balance between reading and gaming.

6- Other Audio media

This is specifically about the two audiobooks I have going right now. Some days I just don’t feel like listening to an audiobook because of my podcast backlog, or musicals I want to listen to.  My idea for this is that I downloaded what I most want to listen to from Spotify, so I’m hoping to use a car ride, or sometime around the house to listen to those. I could do the same for the podcast backlog as well.

7- Work and content creation

I’m a freelance writer, and I have my blog here. I want to get back to three days a week minimum of blogging here and on Instagram. I have reviews to write, so I’m taking reading time to write the content. I have personal fiction projects as well that prevent me from reading because I want to work on them.

8- Social Media

I feel like this is true for a lot of people today. I spend so much time checking in on Instagram when I could be reading. Discord is also a big culprit of this.

18 thoughts on “Top Ten (Eight) Tuesday-Things getting in the way of reading right now

  1. I watch WAY too much TV. But in the past I’ve also scaled that back to read more so I know I can do this again. Just have to work on it. 🙂


  2. It doesn’t seem all that long ago when it was simply TV and radio vying for my attention when wanting to tuck into a good book! But this list just goes to show how hard it is to keep reading in your life, these days:).


  3. Streaming is a big one for me too. There’s only so much time! I hear you on the writing too. It’s hard to do both (or everything!)


  4. Oh, I’m fully with you on so many of these! I find that what works for me is catching up on my shows when writing reviews or doing blog stuff. It usually works out pretty well for me. Hopefully you get all caught up!


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