Hi! It’s been a few weeks, but I’m back. Jana hosts Top Ten Tuesday @thatartsyreadergirl. This weekly meme is born out of our love of lists and brings the book blogging community together. Jana will post a topic each week, and we bloggers will make our own list based on that topic. We can also do our own thing if we don’t have any ideas for that week. This week, our topic is Bookish Wishlist and I love this topic. Books are separated by genre.


1- Shiny Misfits: A Graphic Novel by Maysoon Zayid, and Shadia Amin (Illustrator)

 This book sounds so cute! I love the rep and I want to own this.

2- Any Way You Look by Maleeha Siddiqui

I really enjoyed a book by this author before. I am interested in this book because the themes sound interesting.

3- South of Somewhere by Kalena Miller

This is another book that came out in April.  I love Shannon in the Spotlight by this author last year. I want to check this one out because the story seems interesting.


4- Bite Me, Royce Taslim by Lauren Ho

I am so eager to read this one! I  love the Enemies/Rivals to Lovers trope, and this one seems well done.

5- I Wish You Would by Eva Des-Lauriers

This book sounds like drama, and I need it. I can’t wait to see the relationship unfold.

6- Zoe Rosenthal Is Not A Lawful Good by Nancy Werlin

Goodreads says I’ve wanted to read this book since December 2020. I love the title of it, being a fan of DND and books. I love books about fandom and cons so that’s another reason I want to read this. The main character seems to be someone I can relate to, so I really want to read this book this year.

7- But I’m Eponine: Book One in the Altoverse by Christine Dzidrums

If you’ve been around this blog for a while, you know that I love musicals and books that has theater. I can’t wait to read this book and see all the theater references.


8- Love At First Book by Jenn McKinlay

This book sounds so cute! I want to read more books set in Ireland and this book sounds like the perfect place to start. I can’t wait to read this one.

9- Happily Never After by Lynn Painter

I’ve not read Lynn Painter yet. This book sounds so fun, and I definitely want to grab the ebook or audiobook.

10- Barely Even Friends by Mae Bennett

Another thing you will know about me if you’ve been around this blog for a while is that I’m a huge Disney fan. I saw the cover and title of this book, and I knew that I needed to read it. I was not paying attention to the date, so I didn’t know this book came out this week. I’m going to try and get a copy of the book before the end of the year.

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