Welcome Back! Jana hosts Top Ten Tuesday @thatartsyreadergirl. This weekly meme was born out of a love of lists and bringing the book blogging community together. Each week, Jana will post a prompt, and we readers will post our list based on that prompt. We also have the option of doing our own thing if we don’t have any ideas for that topic. This week, we’re talking about our bookish goals. 

Read 75 books

I always keep my goals low, but attainable for me. I’m doing well so far, and I just need to keep the pace. 

Read 25 Graphic Novels, 15 comics, and 15 Manga

This is a personal challenge for me this year to read more visual novels. There are so many interesting ones. 

Have a planned TBR for the month, but also leave it open for mood reads

I do like having a planned TBR and reading books with friends. For me, if I have an open slot or a book I’m not as looking to read, I’ll put another book on my TBR for the weeks/month based on my mood. 

Reach Between 80%-100% on Netgalley

My ratio right now is 67%. I have some blog tours open, and some coming up. I know that you don’t need the 80% to be on a blog tour, but I want to get there and see if I can request some big titles. 

Write Reviews  and talk about my thoughts on books more

I had the plan to write book reviews on Thursdays, but that kind of fell off at the end of the year. I want to post reviews more and talk about books I’m enjoying more.

Read more Books I own

We all have those books we buy and never read. This year, I’d to read more books I own in addition to new ones. 

Use the Libary more

My Libary usage really picked up last year, and I’m so happy it did. I want to continue to use the Libary this year. 

Read my anticipated releases right away or within 1-4 months of release 

I find that if I buy a book that’s new, I let it sit on my shelves for a bit. I want to read the books either pre-ordered or from the library within four months of the release. 

Read more Diversely 

I want to read more diversely this year. I want to read more books with people of color, more LGBTQ+ books, and more books with people with disabilities. 

Read more books from my backlists along with new releases 

This is different from my owned books because I want to read books I was excited about over the last few years.

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